Wednesday, 11 January 2012

My new Website on-line!


I'd like to inform you that my new Website is now on-line.


   I've totally redesigned  and rebuilt it in my spare time ( last year I illustrated four new books  …), with Rapidweaver ," a web design application  that allows you to design & create a beautiful website on your Mac. "

I've found helpful RapidWeaver Classroom (video tutorials), " the most comprehensive RapidWeaver training ."

In addition I used  the Plugin  Carousel (it builds an animated bar thumbnails from your images ) and RWmultitool 2  (an external image-editor dedicated to RWthemes).

The Website consists of five basic pages :


Home   (welcome to my up-to-date website. Special appreciation to all previous and actual clients )


About   ( my Biography,  art style and subject for illustrations)


Illustration Portfolios   (I decided to show only a selected number of my images, both new and old, which I believe embody the true essence of my style; I divided this selection into three subpages, which will be updated from time to time.)


  • New Books   ( I collected some of the illustrations taken from recently or soon-to-be  published books. The target may vary from 0-5 years to young adults.)

  • Picture Books  ( I collected some of the published commissioned illustrations as well as some of my book projects. Target 0-5 years.)

  • Non Fiction   (I collected some of the published commissioned work as well as personal promotion works for a target ranging from 5 years to young adults and older.)


Two Offsite pages  that links directly to my Blog and my  Imagekind Store.

Contact and the Sitemap.

I hope you will enjoy your stay.
I welcome any feedback!
